set encoding iso_8859_1 #set term windows 1 noenhanced size 800,600 font 'Arial,10' title 'Plot 1 - close all windows' background rgb '#ffffff' set term pngcairo color solid font 'Arial,8' size 600,300 background rgb '#ffffff' set output 'rm069.png' set title 'Variantenprognose Entenhausen' set ylabel 'Einwohner' set xrange [*:*] set yrange [98000:114000] #set key outside set key left set tics out set bmargin 2.4 set xlabel 'Jahr' set grid set xtics nomirror scale 0 rotate by 90 offset 0,-1.8 1 $data << EOD # low medium high 2017 102610 102610 102610 2018 101923 102520 103358 2019 101231 102412 104206 2020 100421 102380 105159 2021 100000 102360 106213 2022 99362 102480 107478 2023 98562 102510 108933 2024 99102 102620 110557 2025 98345 102720 112335 2026 99100 102690 113221 EOD plot \ $data using 1:4 title 'high' with linespoints,\ $data using 1:3 title 'medium' with linespoints,\ $data using 1:2 title 'low' with linespoints set output pause mouse close